
About Theracion Biomedical

Since the company’s inception in 2016, Theracion Biomedical Corp.,

An outstanding research group in the field of biomaterials has concentrated its in-house technology of biosurgery. Theracion Biomedical’s mission is to restore patients’ health and quality of life by delivering innovative technologies.

Theracion Biomedical is a specialized medical device company, providing a full-lineup of topical hemostats, surgical sealants and adhesives, and Soft tissue reinforcement products, and state-of-the-art biomaterial technology with perspectives in biosurgery.

Additionally, under perspectives in animal healthcare, the best options for animal healthcare provide unique products for veterinarians, customers, and pet breeders.

Theracion Biomedical has four features as followings.

Visoin Mission

Well-organized Working members
Unique & Advanced Technology
Business with Promising Profitability
Long-term Sustainability

Branch Operations in Asia & US


R&D Centers Worldwide

234 +

Partners Worldwide